Portrait #13 : Saylove.whv, a group of pixelart artists who are still in childhood 🧒🏻
May 27, 2024
Hello saylove.whv, could you tell us more about the person behind this pseudonym? And about the choice of this pseudonym?
Say Love is a group of friends who all share a common interest: Art and communication. The pseudonym „Say Love“ is an invitation to the people out there and to ourselves.
What was your first contact with urban art? What made you want to get involved in it?
We first had to google what „urban art“ is. Urban art has always been around us, it just wasn’t called that. The first connection to urban art is no longer available to us, we didn’t have this awareness of the terms that categorize these things that we saw outside.
We don’t do what we do so that we can be called artists, but because we enjoy what we do. That’s why we’ve never actively sought to be involved anywhere.
If you had to define your style in 3 words, what would they be?
Easter Egg
Can you tell us more about your creative process?
We meet regularly to spend the evening together. And then we follow the next best impulse that comes our way and start creating new pictures. As we don’t set ourselves any specific goals, we can take a relaxed approach to creating our pictures, as there is no pressure to live up to. And so we maintain „We do what we do because we enjoy what we do“.
What are your main sources of inspiration?
The Pixel games from the 80s and 90s and all the media that accompanied us as children.
What is the ideal spot for you to stick your works?
A Spot where many people can see it, but only a few can get close.
Can you tell us about your first mosaic (from idea to installation)?
Our first mosaic was a worm from the game „Worms“. The idea here was to bring the computer games into real life. The traffic signs were a good choice here because the back is gray and their layout creates a frame for the whole picture.
The worm was made from iron-on beads. The first installation was about 13 years ago and, to our delight, the mosaic is still hanging today.
(Bild Wurm)
Which cities and countries have you invaded?
Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Thailand, Germany. Everywhere we go, we try to hang up a picture
Do you have an idea of how many mosaics you have installed?
We have to think about that first, we make more mosaics than we hang up and we don’t document every picture. But if we had to make a rough estimate, we would say that there are currently 400 hanging installations. Some are made of foil, others of iron-on beads or completely different materials. It was only in 2020 that we tried „logging“ our work on Instagram
What is your favorite mosaic?
Catwoman in Wilhelmshaven
Do you have a bad experience to tell us about?
As a rule, people are very open-minded and interested in us. We are happy about the dialogs that arise.
But of course, there are also negative experiences. What we find negative is that after the installation we no longer have any influence over which stickers are placed next to our installation and then associated with our image, such as political opinions or general appeals.
What are your artistic projects and desires for this year?
We’ll carry on as before, that’s the plan.
Your wildest dream?
Hang up at least one picture in each country.
And finally, which artist would you like me to interview for the next portrait?
How can we follow you (website, Instagram account, Flasher pseudonym...)?
You can follow us on Instagram. -> saylove.whv