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Portrait #16 : the Chaotic Charm of Shemakes_pixels ❤️ - Invasions.fr

Portrait #16 : the Chaotic Charm of Shemakes_pixels ❤️

Hello shemakes_pixels, could you tell us more about the person behind this pseudonym? And about the choice of this pseudonym?

Hi! My pseudonym was created approximately like this: I wanted to choose something impersonal, so there wouldn't be any connection to my name or city (because I sometimes move), but at the same time, reflect the main essence. Also, people often messaged me addressing me in the masculine form, so I had to add "she" haha.

What was your first contact with urban art? What made you want to get involved in it?

My first street art, by the way, was also mosaic. When I was little, my parents were renovating and tiling a kitchen wall with mosaic. I stole a couple of tiles from them, glued them together with office glue, and hung it in the entrance of our building. Does that count? :))

If you had to define your style in 3 words, what would they be?

Chaotic. Cute. Rare.

Can you tell us more about your creative process?

I currently live in another country. I moved from Russia to Serbia. It's quite difficult to buy materials here, so the process isn't as creative as it used to be: it's hard to find the right colors, shapes, and sizes. Usually, I get an idea for a mosaic first, and then I look for a place for it. It's very rare that it happens the other way around. I really love something conceptual, where the mosaic seems like it was made for that place. For example, in the city where I live now, bicycles are very popular, so the idea for a mosaic saying "I love bicycles" came to me almost immediately.

What are your main sources of inspiration?

Here, I probably won't say anything new – it's the city, the people, and the surroundings. For example, the inspiration for my biggest mosaic of Yoshi the dinosaur from video games came from a corgi with the same name. I don't really like to fit the mosaic into the space it's associated with, like making a donut on a donut shop. But I've had that experience too :)

What is the ideal spot for you to stick your works?

I usually go scouting to explore walls. I don't place my works on monuments, architectural landmarks, or buildings that are significant and important to the city. However, I want the place to be quite busy so that people can see the mosaic. But installing a mosaic in a busy place, with many people watching, is also not easy.

Can you tell us about your first mosaic (from idea to installation)?

My first mosaic was of Frida Kahlo. It was during the first summer of COVID. There was a magazine lying on my kitchen table, and one of the pages had an image of Frida. I thought the image would translate well into pixels. I started looking for materials and sketches, and I assembled and disassembled it several times.

Going out to do the mosaic for the first time was very exciting, so I went with a friend who also makes mosaics. As far as I know, the Frida mosaic is still there, even after 4 years. It’s located near the Frida café in St. Petersburg.

Which cities and countries have you invaded?

Currently, it's only St. Petersburg, Russia, and Novi Sad, Serbia. This summer, I plan to create mosaics in Belgrade.

Do you have an idea of how many mosaics you have installed?

Of course! There aren't many, and they are all in my account. There are 20 of them.

What is your favorite mosaic?

I really like the donut. It looks bright and contrasting. A funny story happened during its installation. A passerby came up to me, admired my work, and took a photo of it.

Do you have a bad experience to tell us about?

It always saddens me when my works get damaged, destroyed, or stolen, but I can't control it in any way. Mosaics live their own lives, like grown children. Sometimes, they would be removed on the same day, sometimes painted over or sprayed with paint.

What are your artistic projects and desires for this year?

I want to make mosaics in other cities in Serbia. I also plan to slightly change the style and add not only pixel mosaics but also mosaics made from pieces of different shapes. I'm open to collaborations with other artists.

Your wildest dream?

I would really like to create a large piece for Belgrade, coordinated with the city, not to do it quickly and unnoticeably, but thoroughly and carefully. It's not a wild idea, but I would like to launch a city-wide mosaic hunt.

And finally, which artist would you like me to interview for the next portrait?


How can we follow you (website, Instagram account, Flasher pseudonym...)?

Instagram @shemakes_pixels

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