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Portrait #7 : inside the Heart(s) of Miles_div 💛 - Invasions.fr

Portrait #7 : inside the Heart(s) of Miles_div 💛

Hello Miles_div, could you tell us more about the person behind this pseudonym? And about the choice of this pseudonym?

I am a young street art artist. My street art is several years old. I used to do photography, but after a creative crisis I found myself in pixel art.

I changed my pseudonym several times until I realized that I could just use my last name Miles. Which, by the way, used to be my pseudonym too.

What was your first contact with urban art? What made you want to get involved in it?

Since childhood. Living in a city, it's hard to ignore street art. But the inspiration to work with the street for me was the film "Exit through the souvenir shop."

By the way, before watching this movie, I had about 100 kg in my house. The mosaic that I have left from my old place of work. The idea to create art objects from mosaics came to me instantly. The next day, I came up with exactly what I want to depict, it became hearts.

Since then, I have continued to glue them, simultaneously developing in this direction, paying attention to other projects and characters. 

If you had to define your style in 3 words, what would they be? 

To live happily and freely

What are your main sources of inspiration?

Animated series, the work of other people, vivid memories from life. 

Can you tell us more about your creative process and your first mosaic?

The first thing I had to do was decide what I wanted to portray. I decided to depict the most popular smiley face in the world, it turned out to be a heart.

Next, I needed to figure out how I wanted to see it in pixels. Which pixel arrangement would be more attractive to me.

Then everything is simple, glue the image and find a place to stick it. It was quite unusual and even scary to glue the work for the first time. So at first I did it at night. Then I got used to it and I didn't care what time of day it was or if there were people on the street. By the way, the first work is still hanging intact. 

Which cities and countries have you invaded? 

While I was in Helsinki and Prague. He named only those places where he glued his works.  

Do you have an idea of how many mosaics you have installed?

I have not published all my works. About 200 pieces.

What is your favorite mosaic? 

There are several of them.

These are "The main thing to believe", "A can of condensed milk", "Tin wolf".

Do you have a bad experience that you could tell us about? 

It depends on what is considered unsuccessful. If the implementation is, then "Dr. Heinz Fuffelschmerz". In the end, I didn't really like the work on colors there either. And the place of gluing had to be chosen unsuccessfully, since we were driven away from the originally planned one, and the glue had already been applied to the mosaic and it was necessary to quickly find where to glue the work. As a result, the wall turned out to be curved. Then the work was painted over quite quickly. 

What are your artistic projects and desires for this year?

There are many of them. There would be money ahaha. As well as participation in the marquee, a personal exhibition, several large-scale works using paint and mosaics. 

Your wildest dream?

Become a world-famous artist and author of the best animated series in history.

And finally, which artist would you like me to interview for the next portrait?

oskolki_art, shemakes_pixels, hanimalemoz, saylove.whv, mr.bad.tiles 

How can we follow you (website, Instagram account, Flasher pseudonym...)?

Instagram: miles_div
Telegram: vitaliy_miles
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